Dec 15 Papeete, Tahiti on Windstar Cruises “Wind Spirit”

Dec 15 Papeete, Tahiti on Windstar Cruises “Wind Spirit”

Dec 16

We can’t remember the last time we flew a red-eye!  But a small price to pay to end up in a truly lovely place on earth.  We also haven’t been on a cruising “yacht” before.  Many firsts.

We’re traveling with old and new friends from Sonoma – Chris and Jamie, mom and daughter, and we’ll be meeting up with Jan and Adden, who are are our former next door neighbors, their friend Mary, and a new friend, Tom.  The trip sort of snowballed from the original 2.  We’re now a traveling party in more ways than one.

After a 9 hour flight on French Bee, an economy French airline, from San Francisco to Papeete, Tahiti we arrived at about 6 am.  Ron had researched before the trip and found a place that would stash our luggage near the cruise pier and we set off to try to keep awake til boarding at 1 pm.  Turned out the place he found was the best place to hang out – coffee, beer, French fries, and eggs for the omnivores – all the basics.  Chris and I meandered down to an excellent pearl museum and gasped silently at the prices in the included shop area.

We did get to board a little before 1.  We subsequently heard that there are about 115 passengers of 150 or so that could be accommodated.  The ship is lovely – and definitely set up for balmy breezes and parties with little umbrellas in your drink.  We had our first boisterous dinner with the Sonoma group – the staff sat us at a large table in the center of the dining room.  With two extra seats, and occasional dinners in the other venue, there was a changing cast of characters at that table.

9 hour flight
9 hours to go
View of ship from air
View of Wind Spirit from air

Killing time at the Bora Bora lounge in Papeete
Jamie, Ron and Chris trying to stay awake
First view of ship
Wind Spirit
Welcome to the Wind Spirit
First Dinner with the Traveling Party from Sonoma
Adden, Ron and Jan at first dinner

This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Marilyn Farley

    Looks beautiful there! Hope you are enjoying yourselves!

  2. Joel

    No icebergs? Rats. Prendre plaisir.

  3. Ron

    Wish I was there

    1. Kimmie McCann

      I did a trip to the Marquesas Islands in 2012 and it was an experience of a lifetime. I’m so interested in your trip and can follow along thanks to Marcy. Have a wonderful time!

      1. ellen_b

        I’m now intrigued with the Marquesas! We’re looking into it. Thanks for the recommendation!

  4. Sandi fox

    Looks Fabulous!

  5. Kimmie McCann

    I did a trip to the Marquesas Islands in 2012 and it was an experience of a lifetime. I’m so interested in your trip and can follow along thanks to Marcy. Have a wonderful time!

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