Panorama video from the front of our bungalowThere were a few VERY social and healthy resident cats and dogs. This one jumped in my lap and began purring as soon as I got onto the chaise to enjoy an early cup of coffee. The staff said his name was Sofitel. He and his brother were regulars at dinner, at the spa and in general, visiting anyone who might possibly be interested.After coffee, we headed out for a walk back to the lookout spot the cab driver had taken us to. More traffic than I anticipated. Turns out that many people work on the island of Tahiti, but live on Moorea since it’s only a short ferry ride away.The lagoon was very shallow and full of fish – as soon as you stepped into the water, you were surrounded.We ate pretty well – the carnivores of course, were very happy with all the fish.I told Ron and Tom I wanted a picture of both so I could determine the best blue eyes. I think it was a tie. Ron claims his are green but the water here turned everything blue – including the underside of otherwise completely white terns. I swore I was looking at the weirdest tern I’d ever seen when I figured out it was just a lighting trick.We were probably showing off dog pictures at this point. ANOTHER great day!