Kochi April 29

Kochi April 29

We’re on the island of Shikoku today, in the town of Kochi. Today’s excursion found us inside a mountain, exploring the Ryugado Caves. Although I tend towards claustrophobia, I do like caves – go figure. These were formed 175 million years ago and were inhabited 2000 years ago. The coolest part was the discovery of pottery that’s now encased in a stalactite. There are waterfalls, streams, and 100 kinds of cave critters (but we didn’t see any). Lots of climbing (mostly on added stairs) and some almost crawling. Good exercise!

The round object with the sign next to it is a vase that’s encased in a stalactite.
It’s great to see bamboo in a forest!
Typical style Japanese house
This area is known for its rice production

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