Sendai May 7

Sendai May 7

Another rainy day with a visit to Zuhio-den, Date Masamune’s mausoleum, the feudal lord who founded the city and died in 1603. Masamune was pretty ruthless and, for the Star Wars fans in the crowd, George Lucas used him and his life story as inspiration for Darth Vader. We also visited Masamune’s castle site ruins (the castle walls have been restored but over the years earthquakes, fires and the bombing of the town in WWII means that just the outlines of the buildings remain.)

We then had a stop at an art museum (the primary museum in town was closed for renovation) with a great sculpture garden and works by Yuriko Yamawaki, recently deceased, who did the illustrations for a very popular series of children’s books called Guri and Gura. The books have sold 25 million copies and been translated into several languages. They were quite charming.

As soon as I got off the gangplank, I whipped out my phone to take a picture of the greeting committee. The Masamune double (in real life, Masamune lost an eye to disease) came forward with his compatriots and one of them made it clear that they wanted to take a picture of me with them. How could I say no?

Sure enough, open and closed mouths on the pair outside this complex.

Beginning the trek up very slippery steps to Masamune’s mausoleum.
Japan has the coolest dragons.
The masoleum
A painting of Masumane inside
I think these are gravesites next to the building
The dragon theme with open and closed mouths on the roofline

A shot of the trek back down. Although it doesn’t look like a staircase, it is. This tiny elderly Japanese woman was taking her time. Note the asphalt strips on both sides – much less slippery.

A small gravesite near the entrance
Ron overlooking the city of Sendai at the castle site
A statue of Masumane at the castle site overlooking Sendai
The outlines of the castle buildings
Next to the castle
A mockup of the samurai outfit favored by Masamune. Our guide said he was considered very stylish.
A great picture I found showing the comparison between Darth Vader and Masamune. Picture courtesy of
An example of the very darling mice in the book series Guri and Gura. Picture courtesy of
Both Ron and I were charmed by this sculpture.

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